Healing digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and helps weight management

7 Principles To Heal Digestion
& Manage Weight

Total Body Health

7 Principles To Heal Digestion
& Manage Weight

Healing Digestion for Hormones and Pain

Did you know it is said that 95% of all illnesses stem from digestive disorders? Therefore, the pressing question arises, "HOW can I heal my digestion, thereby addressing not only hormonal imbalances and pain but also a myriad of other health issues?"

7 Time-Honored Principles

Embracing seven timeless, straightforward principles, albeit occasionally challenging, our bodies instinctively recognize and adjust, paving the way for enhanced vitality and holistic well-being. Laying the foundation for sustainable health, fostering balance and resilience.

Better & Easier Health

There is a better and easier way to feel and look great, I promise, one that aligns with our body's natural rhythms and supports sustainable well-being for the long term. With guidance and support, you'll navigate this journey with confidence and achieve lasting results.

Optimal Health Support

By incorporating these seven fundamental principles, you'll experience a transformative shift in your energy, health, and balance, empowering you to thrive in all aspects of life with heightened vitality, resilience, and renewed well-being.

Deep Dive Weekly

Each week, we'll dive deeply into these principles, seamlessly integrating them into your daily routine for optimal health and daily support, ensuring you develop lasting habits that nurture your well-being and contribute to your long-term vitality, wellness, and overall quality of life.

Personalized Protocol 1:1

If you choose to work directly with me, you'll also receive a deep dive into your personal health history and a personalized protocol (including herbal recommendations) that we'll incorporate over the course of 6 weeks to ensure you receive the personalized time and attention you need.

healthy by design

Course Info



Heal your UNIQUE digestive system.

Lose excess weight & keep it off naturally & easily.

Balance your hormones simply through diet & lifestyle.

Gather Your Friends

$450 per person (Minimum 3 Friends)


$649 per person

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